Bufo marinus, Bufo paracnemis, Bufo melanostictus...
Moderatoren: san, Bufofan, Quak
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- Registriert: Dienstag 28. Dezember 2010, 10:58
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von apbt_b » Mittwoch 29. Dezember 2010, 13:09
For 15 years ago when i was 6-7 years old my mother buy a toad to me for a petstore around 10-20€,In the time they dident say much of animals people buy from them.i got a turtIe about same time they say it was a landturtle but it was coura flavomarginata,so bad info about purchase animals in the time,i had the toad for 4-5 years it was adult when i got it.Now i would love to know witch specie it is i find to day a old photo not the best photo but maybe can get help from you guys.Black & withe toad aprrox 8-10cm big.
When i describe it for one here on this forum black/white he think its a Bufo rubropunctatus but there isent many photos and what i have seen i dont think its Bufo rubropunctatus.

(if it dont work first time doing it) a link is :
hope to get help.
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- Registriert: Dienstag 28. Dezember 2010, 10:58
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von apbt_b » Mittwoch 29. Dezember 2010, 19:00
Any help?i know many here have come over all kind of toads in the years some one who can help me? have surch on google.
apbt_b hat geschrieben:For 15 years ago when i was 6-7 years old my mother buy a toad to me for a petstore around 10-20€,In the time they dident say much of animals people buy from them.i got a turtIe about same time they say it was a landturtle but it was coura flavomarginata,so bad info about purchase animals in the time,i had the toad for 4-5 years it was adult when i got it.Now i would love to know witch specie it is i find to day a old photo not the best photo but maybe can get help from you guys.Black & withe toad aprrox 8-10cm big.
When i describe it for one here on this forum black/white he think its a Bufo rubropunctatus but there isent many photos and what i have seen i dont think its Bufo rubropunctatus.

(if it dont work first time doing it) a link is :
hope to get help.
- Pacmanfrog
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von Ratz » Samstag 15. Januar 2011, 09:23
Maybe it was a very dark specimen of Bufo mauritanicus? Looks interesting.
- froglet
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von catweazel » Mittwoch 3. August 2011, 19:31
maybe from the species Melanophryniscus , but without the withe front ? maybe a special colortype?
- Green Machine
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von Philip » Mittwoch 3. August 2011, 20:02
catweazel hat geschrieben:maybe from the species Melanophryniscus , but without the withe front ? maybe a special colortype?

- froglet
- Beiträge: 22
- Registriert: Dienstag 2. August 2011, 19:00
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von catweazel » Mittwoch 3. August 2011, 20:06
Nectophrynoides viviparus maybe
- Green Machine
- Beiträge: 232
- Registriert: Dienstag 11. November 2008, 15:13
von Philip » Mittwoch 3. August 2011, 21:34
Die Kröte ist doch nun als Bufo espinuloso identifiziert. Wie kommst du dann auf diese anderen Kröten, die in keinster Weise Ähnlichkeit mit dem Tier auf dem Foto haben?

- froglet
- Beiträge: 22
- Registriert: Dienstag 2. August 2011, 19:00
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von catweazel » Sonntag 7. August 2011, 15:55
ich fand nach webbildern hatte die kröte nich so viel ähnlichkeit mit der angegebenen, deswegen war für mich noch alles offen
ich wollte nur helfen
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